When calling 911, stay on the line until the telecommunicator says it's OK to hang up. Your location is very important; even more important than the type of emergency.
Only text 911 when you can't call 911. Texts CAN be delayed. Again, the location of the emergency is very important.
If you don't have a actual emergency, please call our administration number at 304-659-3770. or you can call the agency to whom you wish to talk with directly. .
Learn more about CPR and AED usage... You may save a life! Learn more at heart.org.
Central Communications, Inc. is a cooperative effort between Doddridge and Ritchie Counties for the purpose of providing 911 service to citizens and visitors, as well as the central dispatching of first responders. CCI is also responsible for mapping and addressing efforts within both Counties. CCI was founded in 2001, and has 14 employees.
Central Communications, Inc.
PO Box 516
4317 Lamberton Rd.
Pennsboro, WV 26415
Voice: 304-659-3770 Fax: 304-659-3772
Email: cci@centrale911.com
Mapping & Addressing:
Voice: 304-659-2979 Fax: 304-659-2989
Email: mapping@centrale911.com
CCI Board of Directors